When I say I'm adventurous, I really mean it 😃
Early morning around 7:00am when my family was sleeping, I woke up, got ready, took my camera bag, recording camera, and camera stand to go on a snow adventure (just outside of my home haha..). Oh, I am an old soul to climb those slippery mountains with that epidural-ed backbone of mine.
It snowed very little in Seoul, but I took advantage of it and was able to capture some amazing shots. Also, I have recorded a behind the scene video for my YouTube channel which will be live by the time you are reading! Check the YouTube video out after you finish reading this blog.
I did few different creative shots such as using a transparent umbrella and filling it with snow to create a snowing effect (when it was not snowing actually). Another creative shot is to blow snow in hand/leaf or throw it over your head to create magical and stunning looking images. See below:
Well, not all shots were perfect, I got some bloopers there too. ^^
Yikes!! Those snow flakes coming down my nose. I can't unsee them, would you? 😃

After the shoot, I was freezing cold and sat in front of the electric heater for 1 hour until my blood started flowing. All my adventurous soul was frozen to the level I couldn't shiver. (lame joke)!!
How adventurous are you??
What was your recent adventure outside of your home?