Newborn Photographer in Seoul

Four days old baby E. looking so adorable 🥰
Baby E. was born on April 19th at 4:13pm. She was 53cm long weighing 4.24kg. She came to my studio for her newborn photoshoot when she was only 4 days old. ^^ Mom scheduled the shoot 3 months in advance as they were travelling from another city to Seoul. So, the earlier booking was to ensure the availability around the delivery date. We, however, had to push the initial booking date to 3 days later as baby E. decided to arrive later :) Look at those cheeks. Isn't she the cutest... 🥰

Parent's Story:
"My husband and I have been married for 8 years and living in Korea for just about 5 years."

Baby's Birth Story:
"My labor was really quick which is surprising for a first baby. I only labored for about 20 hours, 6 of which were at our birthing center."

"The thing I remember most which was kind of surprising was how heavy she felt when they placed her on my chest. I also remember the look on my husband’s face once she was moved from my chest into his arms."

Seoul Birthing Hospital Experience:
"As for the hospital experience the birth experience was really wonderful. I would give birth at 호움 Houm again and again and again. The atmosphere is so peaceful and the midwife and doula I had was amazing."

“Ten little fingers, ten perfect toes, fill our hearts with love that overflows.”
Hi, I am Sidra! I am newborn & family portrait photographer in Seoul. I would love to discuss with you all the details of your newborn baby photo-session. Get in touch with me here today. I can't wait to capture your precious little bundle of joy! ^^