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Birthing Centers in Seoul | 28th Week in Pregnancy

Congratulations that now you are in your 28th week of pregnancy which is 7th month of carrying your baby inside. So you are probably counting your baby kicks as your baby is getting squished more!! Your little baby bump now weighs about 2.25 pounds and by week 28, your baby is settling into the proper birthing position which will be his head facing downward toward your body's nearest exit! Baby is probably dreaming about you and you are dreaming about your baby too!

Before your birth, it is always better to educate yourself about giving birth no matter how natural of the process it is. Taking a prenatal class, such as a birthing, breastfeeding, and newborn care classes will help you adjust to life with your new baby. When it comes to births, there are two types of births such as vaginal or via c-section.

Vaginal Birth

Vaginal childbirth is when the child comes out through the vagina without the help of medication or machines. Sometimes the perineal region is cut to make the birth easier. In some cases, a woman is induces when labour is taking longer and baby does not decide to leave his comfy place. With your first baby, labor may take about 10 hours, while labor for a subsequent baby usually takes up to 5 hours. However, it is still possible to meet your baby within 2 hours from labour pains to contractions to delivery (spontaneous delivery). It is a rare case but it can happen (writing this post and thinking of my own delivery). Vaginal births may be painful, but they have a shorter recovery time and are known to be the best method. Also, a vaginal birth results in the shortest hospital stay, usually only 2 to 3 days, and is also pocket friendly!

Cesarean Birth

When natural childbirth is not an option, a c-section must be performed. This procedure is used when a vaginal birth is deemed risky to the mother or child such as in the cases of advanced maternal age, a narrow pelvis, or a breached birth. A c-section is a type of major surgery and may or may not lead to complications. A c-section requires a hospital stay of approximately one week after giving birth and is more heavy on the pocket than a vaginal childbirth.

Birthing Centers in Seoul

You also might be searching for birthing centers in Seoul by now. I have gathered this list by researching all the Mom's Facebook groups, online research and through my own experience of when I was giving birth to my daughter. You can find more help by asking questions on Pregnant in Korea group for more personal recommendations of doctors and clinics in your area. Here is the full list of natural and medicated birthing centers | hospitals in Seoul.

Most Recommended by Moms : Medi Flower, GM Cheil, Yeon and Nature, Morning Calm Birthing Center, SCH Hospital, Severance Yonsei hospital.

Recommended in Groups : HatVit natural birthing center, Samsung hospital, Houm for checkups, GiL Hospital, Inha university, St Mary hospital, Seoul National Universty birthing center, Soonchunghyang Hospital (Hannam-dong), Medi Flower, GM Cheil, Yeon and Nature, Morning Calm Birthing Center, SCH Hospital, Severance Yonsei hospital.

More List of Birth Centers:

Agitanseun (aka Rosa), Lee Myung Hwa, Mamas' Birth Center, Songdo, Hyosung hospital.

Here you can find all the hospital's information including district locations through Korean Hospital Association website. Here is the list of best clinics in Seoul from 10 Magazine website.

Here is the full list of natural birthing facilities at different hospitals in Seoul through Morning calm birthing services website. You can contact them for consultation, education and other post-natal services.

Estimate of the Costs:

Vaginal Delivery: around W7,000,000 (includes pregnancy period checkups)

C-section: around W12,00,000 (with surgery and medical costs)

This information is based on the moms’ experiences in private hospitals and clinics. The costs can vary up and down from one hospital to another by including various facilities such as private room and water birth services etc. If you have National Health Insurance, the delivery costs will be much lower. At Samsung hospital, our total costs were about 7,500,000₩ and with Korean National Health insurance we had to pay only 165,000₩. The costs of one ultrasound checkups is around 40,000₩. You also get 500,000₩ through Government support.

Birthing costs can vary around ₩ 7,000,000 (includes pregnancy care & checkups) and ₩ 12,00,000 (including checkups, surgery and medical costs) for natural and cesarean birth.

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Check my next post about 10 things you need to prepare for your newborn baby!


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