My First Blog Post and Professional Photoshoot!
Hey friends! This is my first ever blog on my website about my first ever professional style photoshoot. Was I nervous? Heck Yeah!! 😄
You will get to know about how I guided poses to my client? What was my first camera and lens? Was I able to work on Manual mode fast? Was I able to communicate and direct my model or was I sweating gallons? Continue reading...
A little background..
So, I have been studying about camera manual mode for quite a long time and practicing a lot of exposure triangle settings at home. (I have years of experience with film cameras, digital cameras, and mirror-less cameras). I was using my first DSLR for about 7 years already and I knew about manual settings but I was not comfortable to change the settings very fast in front of others. Let me tell you a secret here: I used "Auto" mode most of the time when I shoot my family events. Who cares? Right!! 😎
However, I really wanted to shoot "people & clients" rather than "objects" and "family & friends". My first ever professional lens which I bought was 50mm f1.8(nifty fifty) for my APS-C Canon Rebel T4i 650D DSLR Camera (Now costs around $900).

I was quite anxious and nervous to ask out some one to pose for me for a professional style photoshoot. I had been learning manual settings under different lighting situations but I never learned how to pose someone, how to give directions to someone professionally. (I mean I could tell my dad to look at my camera, smile, change his face side, chin up, shoulders relaxed, clothes fixed, hands on knees etc.). But posing someone other than family and being confident in doing what you are doing is something frightening!

I finally took the courage to ask my friend out if she needs some professional style posed pictures in exchange of her time. Guess what? She agreed! I could say my heart was pounding with excitement and fear of the shoot. 🤩

It was a beautiful sunny autumn day. I met my friend in the park near my apartment. We started with some fun chat to relax both our nerves (it was her professional shoot as well and she felt shy posing in front of other people). I talked to her about how we will proceede with the photoshoot and exactly how I will be taking pictures. I gave some instructions to her for some simple poses which I had practiced at home. I gave her visual guides by doing the poses myself first. But definitely she copied and executed better than me.
See the simple poses in flow.. and yes I took multiple shots at one location, e.g. full body, upper body, with hand in hair, with hand on purse, leaning back with tree, and hands on leaves etc.
Then I asked my friend to sit down under the tree and I took more shots from different angels. We also tried throwing leaves to capture the movement (I couldn't get them in first try though). Then we did some shots sitting on the bench!! The flow was going smoothly and I was not thinking about any fears anymore. I was too much occupied in posing and communicating with her that I forgot this was my first time doing it 😅😆
Here are some more non-nature shots at the location. To date, I don't know why I took the hair shots. They look creepy in a certain way!! What do you think? However, at that time I was really enthusiastic with my vision. I don't know may be I was inspired by "Ring" movie. 🤨

I hope you had a good read with my unnecessary long blog post. ^^
Hey!! I am Sidra, I am an award-winning portrait photographer in Seoul since 2011. Looking for a portrait photographer in Seoul for your autumn (or any season) photos? Please contact me here. I would love to discuss with you all the details of the session. I can't wait to capture your beautiful day!! ^^ .